The Lord has been telling me for a few weeks that He has pressed the "RESET" button. Reset is to set again or differently. There are some things that are being set again on your behalf, opportunities that are coming around again, doors opening and some closing again. God is closing some doors again and if YOU choose to reopen them that's on you. Some things are coming again but totally different. Different plans, different people, different vision, a revamp of vision. Do not let, allow or otherwise permit negativity, fear and other people to cause you to miss your Reset! This ReSet will cause mandates to shift and be fulfilled! THIS reSet will cause time to be Redeemed! This ReSet will cause complacency and procrastination to die! This ReSet will Compel, Propel and Expell all at the same time! This ReSet will cause minds to be regulated and broken hearts to be regenerated! This ReSet must be received as it will not be forced upon you says the Lord. This ReSet conquers! This ReSet is for land and territory both naturally and spiritually. I the Lord have opened the gated entry way, entry ways that were previously unknown or blocked to you have now been open. Enter in, enter in enter in with the Master, Master's ReSet says the Lord.
ReSet to ReEngage
Updated: Nov 27, 2018
Wow,Wow,Wow!i needed to get my wow moment out of the,GOD in this season has set and triggered the RESET BUTTON of our lives and Destiny.We are to remember,He says He will build His Church and the Gates of hell SHALL not PREVAIL AGAINST IT.He has commanded us that we are to Trust in Him with ALL our hearts and lean not unto our own understanding.HE is the repairer of the breach and LORD have mercy,we have all from time to time have gotten distracted and gone off the trail a little bit,some more than others but His love for and towards us because of Calvary He is always monitoring,sharpening,purging,purifying and yes resetting;for He watches over His word to perform…