Day 19
(9.00 AM-12.00 Noon)
1 Kings 18, 8:56; Jos. 23:14; Matt. 20:3; Acts 2:15
FOR A CRUCIFIED LIFE… Gal. 2:20; Col. 3:5
This is the second hour of the day. This watch begins at the third hour (i.e. 9.00 am)…and it appears from Matt. 20:2-3, so that if you’ve not started working by this time you’ll be considered idle. Just being busy with something doesn’t give any assurance of any accomplishment. There’s the need to identify God’s purpose for each moment of your life and pursue it. Otherwise, you could find yourself wasting effort and energy like the prophets of Baal in 1 Kings 18:26-29, who after six hours of calling on their god were worse off than when they started: bleeding and exhausted. By 9.00 am, you should start fulfilling the purpose for which you came to earth.
[9 AM - 12 Noon]
Time for Harvest. (Acts 2:41)
Promises, this is the time to expect the manifestation of God’s promises for your life as in the case of David in 2 Sam. 7:25-29. Also appropriate the promises for cleansing, a new heart, willingness to work, increase and fruitfulness, as contained in Eze. 36:25-38.
Time to pray and appropriate the Benefits of the Cross (healing, prosperity, forgiveness, strength, etc.).
Jesus was crucified at the third hour (Mark 15:25, Matt. 27:45). After having been on the cross for three hours, darkness came upon the face of the earth at 12 noon, and then at 3.00pm, the period of darkness ended. Did you notice that even God worked according to the watches of the day especially pertaining to the crucifixion events?
Pray for a Crucified Life.
Because of the crucifixion, let us ask God to help us manifest all of the values of the crucified life, by mortifying the deeds of our flesh as stated in Rom. 8:12-15. This is the time to put off the old man and put on the Lord Jesus Christ (Col. 3:2-11). This is the time to nail witchcraft, bitterness, jealousy, anger, backbiting, gossip, slander, lying, deception, hypocrisy and in fact all the properties and personality traits of the devil and all the works of the flesh to the Cross in line with Gal. 2:20, 5:19-21.
Pray for Forgiveness, Healing of Relationships, Pray for the Release of Others.
“Forgive Us for our Trespasses…as We Forgive…” This is the best time to pray this portion of the model prayer the Lord Jesus Christ taught His disciples. In other words, it is time to pray for Healing of Relationship. Let this power of love and unity (in one accord) produce the same effect of people asking, “How come that we all hear them speaking in our own language?” Pray for the healing of diseases, which are spiritual. This is also the time for the harvest that is for prayers prayed at dawn.