Day 17
(3.00 AM-6.00 AM)
(Isa 58:8, 8:19-22, 62:1-12; Rev. 22:76; Psalm 18:28; Job 3:9)
(Mark 1:35; Gen. 19:15, 32:25-27; Job 38:12-13 cf. Isa. 17:14; 1 Sam. 11:11)
The significance of this watch can be seen in Mark 1:35, where we see Jesus rising a great while before day and finding a solitary place to pray.
This is a special time for divine judgments. This is the last watch of the night.
This fourth watch is always important because this is the last lap of the night race: this was when Israel was released from Egypt. This watch is the time that those satanic agents who went out to perform their activities are returning back to their bases. This is the time the devil and his cohorts are running back ‘home’ so that they are not caught. This is the time to release judgment on the wicked, who remains stiff-necked after many warnings and rebukes in line with Prov. 29:1. This is the time every enemy chariot would have their wheels removed (Exo. 14:24-28) and all their plans, programs and policies would fail. This is the period to release the manifestation of the full intensity of the dayspring shaking out the wicked
(Job 38:12, 13 cf. Isa. 17:14 – Proclaiming before morning).
Though some scholars believe the dayspring falls between 12 midnight stretching up to 6.00 am, the full impact of its intensity is felt in the final watch of this period (3.00 – 6.00 am) when it begins to shake everything out. This explains why the agents of the kingdom of darkness: those linked with Satan, heighten their activities, especially between the hours of 12 midnight and 3.00am, knowing that by the next watch (3.00 am – 6.00 am) they’ll have to cease their activities lest they caught by the full intensity of the dayspring. Testimonies of former witches converted to Christianity attest to this. They tell of experiences, were when they went out of their bodies on witchcraft operation, they had to return into their bodies before 6.00 am, otherwise, they wouldn’t have been able to. This is because they will have been shaken out by the dayspring in line with Job 38:13 quoted above. It must be because no spirit is supposed to remain in this state by daybreak, we see this demonstrated by Jacob’s encounter with the Angel of the Lord in Gen. 32:24-30.
It is also the time for Deliverance, to Rise and Shine, for Resurrection.
This is time for deliverance according to Exo. 12 and 14. This is also the time Jesus came walking on the water to release the disciples from the storms according to Matt. 14:25. This is the time to ask the new day to speak into your life according to God’s will (Psalm 19:2). This is also the time of declaration of the word. This is also the time for resurrection power.
This is the time we have to pray that everything that has died in the Body of Christ, in terms of potentials, should be released. This is the time to rise and begin to shine (Isa. 60:1-5). It is also the time for the resurrection of every dormant gift. Every redemptive gift is to rise and shine, that is why, immediately after this watch the sun rises, and shines (Psa. 18:28). The Lord would light the candle of the Body of Christ, He would enlighten our darkness and our morning star would no more be dark. This is the time the stone in front of the tomb of Jesus was rolled away. Every reproach must be rolled away. God says He has a covenant with the day and also with the night.