I've been wanting to write this for a few days but had been debating. After several conversations, I decided to post. A few weeks ago I started to notice my mood shifts, headaches, and feeling blah. Last Friday, I look up Pandemic Fatigue in this article. I realized I have pandemic fatigue, political fatigue, racism news fatigue, news fatigue. I realized I was completely and utterly tired of all this bad news to the point it was impacting me as mental fatigue.
I shared it with a few people some laughed and thought I was joking, while others not only understood but realized they were dealing with it as well. Now please understand. I am a woman of faith. I'm strong, confident etc and yet and still I'm mentally exhausted of ALL that is transpiring in our nation and world. Then add on top of that I am a Prophet so I am feeling people, hearing conversations and dreaming and seeing Everything. So then I started having insomnia. I had to make a decision for me to gain some Power back. I decided to shut off certain apps on my phone, not watch the news for a few weeks, and even tell people to stop sending me certain things.
I'm posting this because everything and everyone may not be "OK". They may not say it, may not want to talk, etc but don't dismiss your /their feelings and perceptions. Get someone safe that you can be all the way true with, someone who you can express every feeling and opinion and not judge u or shut you down because you or they have different views in any arena. I decided to take my Power back - I've been shut down in certain areas and refocused on building my business, my ministry, and other things and already "feeling" better. Headaches have stopped and actually been sleeping throughout the night. I also continued to change my diet and exercise. I'm praying for you if this post was for you. If it wasn't it might be for someone you know.
Take some time for you, you are worth it. :)