My Covid19 update and encouraging word for someone... it has been 7.5 months since surviving. For me, death came knocking but it was not my time. Since then I have had everything from anxiety, brain fog, hair loss, and ringing in the ears, to a change in appetite( certain things I can't eat anymore, and some things I could not eat before I can now), GI issues, headache, insomnia, depression, my heart racing while merely sleeping or resting and even survivors guilt.
To God be the Glory - Jesus, rehab, vaccine, and a whole lotta self-care, the only thing I deal with as of writing this - every now and then is the ringing in the ears and appetite issues. The brain fog is so minor it's not worth mentioning (I'll write another post about that healing)
To anyone dealing with post covid recovery, remember it is just that RECOVERY. Allow yourself to heal, to process, to realize the limitations of your body even the temporary ones.
The biggest takeaways: 1. I had to be patient with myself. 2. I did survive so I need to LIVE and BE and DO without permission or excuses, or waiting for someone or something. 3. I live a life of service to others and once I started serving others again, doing what I was born to do, healing came to me in more ways than I can count. 4. No more counting time, I'm enjoying every single second. 5. When I need to talk to someone I do. 6. When I mention something to someone who is not supportive in any way I shut up, not shut down, but shut up. 7. It has literally allowed me to Get back to that place of trusting God with my WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE, naturally and spiritually because as we all know It Coulda Been Another Way. 8. I ain't mad at nobody for real, and if there is a disagreement I make sure we discuss it and resolve it because Life, Happiness, and Peace are absolutely precious. 9. The reflection and process have allowed me to trust myself again, trust people again and understand in a whole new way we all fall short, but God. 10. Mercy - God has shown me Mercy and in doing so made my heart and prayers and speech one of Mercy. Mercy for people and their situations, mercy for the nations, mercy for the church, mercy mercy mercy. 11. We will all have a time of need - it might be COVID, it might be emotional trauma, it might be a sudden and tragic loss, it might be....whatever it is, whenever it is... Listen to the Holy Spirit, Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you and guide you and direct you. Allow Jesus to comfort you. Allow the right people or persons to help you. 12. Rest in knowing that God is your healer, defender, and protector.