I was out walking the other day and came upon a house under construction. I looked at it and kept walking but then heard the Lord say go back and take a picture. I walked back a few feet and snapped the picture you see for this blog post. Then, the Lord began to speak. He said when you look at this house what do you see? It is under construction. Each construction worker has been given a specific task to do. The wood must be sourced, treated and framed. Every single nail, screw etc. must be in its proper place for the house to stand. When the perspective homeowner walks through they see walls and paint and space. They can't see what's hidden. They can't see every nail and screw, but they trust the construction workers, the builder and the inspector to all play their parts and do their jobs correctly.
He then said likewise many people can only see the outside of us. When we go through various processes of life people will only see the outside, the make up, the hair, the clothes, the smile or the frown. But what many cannot see is your construction process, what's hidden beneath that the Master has been building step by step. The days and years of tears or fears that He has now healed and made whole. The areas of frustration and disappointments of life that He has now made areas of peace, grace and favor. The times where you struggled with doubt, disappointment and all the D’s of the Devil, but God stepped in each and every time to build character and rebuild faith, hope and belief.
Our walk with God is a step by step process with and in the Hands of the Master Builder, the Master Architect, the Master Inspector! Father, Son and The Holy Spirit instructs, leads and guides us in the way we should go. It is in Him that we are able to stand. He then uses each of us as construction workers in our own lives and in the lives of others.
What type of Construction worker are you?
Prayer Warrior - Your assignment is to pray for individuals, organizations and nations.
Armor Bearer - Your assignment is to hold up the arms of others in many ways.
Cup Holder - Your assignment is to be in position to receive for you and others to be a resource and blessing on the earth.
Herald - You help others run with their vision.
Worshipper - You worship your way in, through and for your personal relationship and the relationship of others with Christ.
Giver - You give your time, talent, tithes and so much more to the body of Christ.
Leader - Your assignment is to assist individuals, groups etc in learning the principles and precepts of God.