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Writer's picturePastor T aka Boss Lady

God has Removed the Roof

Updated: Jan 9, 2020

Day 4

I had a dream where I was in a house and God came and cut the roof off. It was as if he had a laser because it came off so quickly. He cut it off, them some workers with Him then removed the roof and I saw an open heaven.

Isaiah 64:1-2 Oh, that you would rend the heavens and come down, that the mountains would tremble before you! 2 As when fire sets twigs ablaze and causes water to boil, come down to make your name known to your enemies and cause the nations to quake before you! 3 For when you did awesome things that we did not expect, you came down, and the mountains trembled before you. The word “rend” in this Scripture means to “tear open”.  Isaiah is crying out to God for an open heaven! “Oh, Lord, rend the heavens and come down! We need you!”  Can you hear the cry of the prophet’s heart as he laments in prayer and petitions to God? 

  • 1st When you are in the Right Position with the Right Petition it causes God to come Down

Peter’s Vision acts 10

About noon the following day as they were on their journey and approaching the city, Peter went up on the roof to pray. 10 He became hungry and wanted something to eat, and while the meal was being prepared, he fell into a trance.11 He saw heaven opened and something like a large sheet being let down to earth by its four corners. 12 It contained all kinds of four-footed animals, as well as reptiles and birds. 13 Then a voice told him, “Get up, Peter. Kill and eat.” 14 “Surely not, Lord!” Peter replied. “I have never eaten anything impure or unclean.” 15 The voice spoke to him a second time, “Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.” 16 This happened three times, and immediately the sheet was taken back to heaven.

  • 2nd When you can fully obey God’s Mission he Himself Fulfills The (Your) (His) VISION

Luke 3 21-22

21 When all the people were being baptized, Jesus was baptized too. And as he was praying, heaven was opened 22 and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.”

  • 3rd When you have the right Godly Connections which lead to Your destination, rest assured you shall have Godly direction which leads to Your Manifestation

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